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The Otis Ferry Story!

About Me

This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.

I have a wonderful boyfriend called Ty.He is a jockey and he has his own band!!! Oooh!! So lovely!!

Follow The Hounds!

I am a Groom!

Well basically all I do is look after horses. It's a great job because I am always round the horses and I love it.


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

1) Dog Soldiers

(2) Scary Movie 1,2,3

3) Silence Of The Lambs

4) Jaws 1,2,3

5) Topsy Turvey


Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

David Bowie, Green Day, Amici Forever, El Divo, Jamie Cullen, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Gilbert and Sulivan.

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