Emylee, Seattle, WA, says: ' I like it because
I love the excitement of the chase. '
Rhiannon, 11, Virginia says: ' I like it because it is full of excitement and adventure
Jess Fielding, 15, Shrewsbury, Shropshire says: ' I think Fox Hunting is good.
Foxes are a menace and it's great to see the dogs, horses and people enjoying themselves. '
Laura Williams, 16, Whitchurch, Shropshire says: ' I love to watch the hunt riding
across the countryside, it's a beautiul site. '
Cherry Dnace, 15, York says: ' I
like it and now its banned more foxes get killed because they shoot them. '
scarlet 1992449 says: ' Fox
Huntings cool! '
These people support Fox Hunting! Well done u peeps!