Carr, 15, Shrewsbury, Shropshire says: ' I think it should be banned, its cruel and it's like something
bigger than us, was going around with axes and hacking at us till we died, it is not humane. '
Emmy Scutt ,14,Somerset
says: ' Fox hunting is disgusting yuck. Its disgusting cause no animals should be treated
like that cause they have lives. '
Dan Rouse, 15, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
says: ' Well, the main reason is that foxes are pretty foxy. The less important reason
is that it is an old fashioned sport which should be banned, like all that bull (literally) in Spain. Foxes may be the reason
for a fair few sheep snuffing it, but farmers should improve fencing, or something else, rather than encouraging people getting
dogs to rip them to pieces while posh people in stupid suits look. '
Lucy Hassell,
15, Shrewsbury, Shropshire says: ' i disagree with it as i find it cruel as foxes are torn to pieces. '
Ian Lyall, 18, Scotland says: ' Foxes are 1 step off dogs and I love
all canines. '